Our technology-focused world may seem too fast-paced for typical classroom teaching methods. Teachers and students alike may grow restless with the very limited use of technology all too common in schools today. In an age where nearly everyone carries a powerful computer in the form of a smartphone, why can’t our classrooms keep up?

Fortunately, the tide is turning. Teachers with access to excellent school technology have the freedom to get their students more involved in lessons and learning through interactive study on electronic devices. Best of all? As a teacher, you know your students best and can personalize the lessons to exactly their needs and age level! Let’s see how you can best incorporate the latest technology into your next school day.

Don’t ban smartphones and laptops from your classroom--make them an essential part of the lesson! Learn how to incorporate the latest technology into your school day here. #PlatinumCopiers Click To Tweet

Virtual Visitors

Have you been trying unsuccessfully to bring in an expert speaker for your classroom? Why not invite them to present over the internet? Using Google Hangouts, Skype, or similar video call programs, have a guest speaker talk to your students via a computer screen. Not only will you get the speaker you want, but this strategy also eliminates the need to restructure your entire schedule to accommodate them! Take advantage of the technology available at your fingertips.

Pro Tip: If you can’t schedule live streams of special guests for your classroom, search on YouTube for recorded lectures from industry leaders or experts as a bonus lesson.

Interactive Presentations

Depending on your students’ ages, you can invite them to participate in the lesson via their own electronic devices. A presentation screen like the SHARP Aquos Board allows multiple members of the audience to add their own notes or questions to the board from a laptop or mobile device. Encourage your students to stay involved in learning by giving them the chance to contribute.

Online Games

Computer games are good for more than just fun! Developers have released educational games that walk students through the basics of economics, teach marketing strategies, and even simulate running a business. And that’s just for finance-focused classes! You can find educational games on virtually any subject. For an interesting twist on homework, have your students play through a few educational simulation games and discuss their findings in class.

Technology in the Classroom

There’s never been a better range of technology at a teacher’s disposal! Why not take advantage of it all? How can you best use technology in the classroom to make lessons more engaging and better suited to your students’ learning styles?

Connect with us to keep an eye on evolving technology perfect for your classroom!